Thursday 3 September 2015

Blog mark and assessment

Dear all,
On this post I will explain how the blog work will be assessed.

First of all, I'd like to remind you TRANSLATORS are NOT allowed. The objective of writing the blog is improving your English level by making the effort of thinking in English. You can use or a different dictionary  to find words you need or ask your teacher if you don't find them. This is the way to learn.

The marks go as follows

Every class you get 2 points for posting and writing comments in class.
If you post and comment within 48 or outside the classroom you get 1 point.
No post , no points
This corresponds to mark 1 =50%
Mark 2 = 50%, corresponds to a linguistic evaluation of 3 post during the semester.

Mark 1 + Mark 2 = Blog mark 


1WRIITTEN (BLOGS)20%     Every week
2CA30%    Videos September- October - November

ORAL INTERACTION 20%     December
4FINAL WRITTEN (SUFI)30%    December

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