Thursday 26 November 2015

Blog help!

Today we will do something different.

Read the last blog post of the classmate below you on the blog list on my blog and correct it using this key:

WF= Wrong Form                       WW = Wrong Word               v = Something Missing

(WO) = Word Order                    Sp = Spelling                          P = Punctuation

WE = Wrong Expression             T = Wrong Tense                   ? = Not sure 

 C= Concordance  between subject/determiner  and verb           (  )  = Not necessary

Publish the corrections on your blog AND send your classmate a comment to tell them you have posted some feedback.


Today I (WF) going to write about an(WF) journy (Sp) I make(T) in the past.

Today I am going to write about a journey I made in the past.

In this(C) days I and my parents (WO) came (WW) to Viña

In these days my parents and I went to viña 

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